About the Club
The Chicago Go Club (formerly the Lakeview Go Club) has been in existence for more than twenty years. We currently boast more than 300 members, and regularly have more than a dozen players at each meeting, of all ages and skill levels.

Generally our players start showing up around 6, but the atmosphere is very informal and players come and go throughout the evening - so feel free to come at any time!

Omi is at the intersection of Broadway and Briar, just one block south of Belmont. It's accessible via the north/southbound 36 (Broadway) CTA bus, the easth/westbound 77 (Belmont) CTA bus, or easily walkable from the Belmont Red/Brown/Purple Line CTA train station.

We have around a dozen boards and sets of stones in the back closet of the cafe, so if there don't seem to be any extra boards around, just grab a set yourself or ask an OMi staff member to get a few more for you.

If it's your first time coming, please let us know you're here and we'll happily match you up with an opponent around your skill level!

If it's also your first time playing, don't be shy - we are always happy to teach the rules and strategy to new players, and generally have at least one brand new player each week. We also have several beginning-level players regularly returning every week, so you should come back again the next week without feeling trepidation about being outmatched by experts!

Note that in the past, we have met at Intelligentsia Coffee and Argo Tea on Broadway, at Stone Creek Cofee on Belmont, and at Foxtrot on Diversey, but recently had to move to OMi (same physical space as our old Argo Tea location), due to Foxtrot's abrupt going out of business. So if you haven't been to the club in a while, don't be alarmed when you don't find us at one of the old locations - we're not too far off!

"A few moments to learn, a lifetime to master."
-Ancient Proverb